Abbreviation for "Protection and
Indemnity," an insurance term.
Packing List
Itemized list
of commodities with marks/numbers but no cost values indicated.
for "Please Authorize Delivery Against Guarantee." A request from
the consignee to the shipper to allow the carrier or agent to
release cargo against a guarantee, either bank or personal. Made
when the consignee is unable to produce original bills of lading.
Paired Ports
A U.S. Customs
program wherein at least two designated Customs ports will enter
cargo that arrives at either port without the necessity of an
in-bound document.
A platform
with or without sides, on which a number of packages or pieces may
be loaded to facilitate handling by a lift truck.
Paper Ramp
A technical
rail ramp, used for equalization of points not actually served.
Paper Rate
A published
rate that is never assessed because no freight moves under it.
Parcel Receipt
An arrangement
whereby a steamship company, under rules and regulations
established in the freight tariff of a given trade, accepts small
packages at rates below the minimum bill of lading, and issues a
parcel receipt instead of a bill of lading.
Partial Shipments
Under letters
of credit, one or more shipments are allowed by the phrase "partial
shipments permitted."
Particular Average
See Insurance,
Particular Average.
A party named
in an instrument as the beneficiary of the funds. Under letters of
credit, the payee is either the drawer of the draft or a bank.
A party
responsible for the payment as evidenced by the given instrument.
Under letters of credit, the payer is the party on whom the draft
is drawn, usually the drawee bank.
Per Diem
A charge,
based on a fixed daily rate.
Perils of the Sea
Those causes
of loss for which the carrier is not legally liable. The elemental
risks of ocean transport.
Phytosanitary Inspection Certificate
A certificate issued by the U.S.
Department of Agriculture to satisfy import regulations of foreign
countries; indicates that a
U.S. shipment has been inspected and found free from
harmful pests and plant diseases.
The act of
calling for freight by truck at the consignor's shipping platform.
The structure
perpendicular to the shoreline to which a vessel is secured for the
purpose of loading and unloading cargo.
A shipment
loaded into a container at the pier or terminal, thence to the
consignee's facility.
loaded at port of loading and discharged at port of destination.
Piggy Packer
A mobile
container-handling crane used to load/unload containers to/from
transportation arrangement in which truck trailers with their loads
are moved by train to a destination. Also known as Rail Pigs.
Place of Delivery
Place where
cargo leaves the care and custody of carrier.
Place of Receipt
Location where
cargo enters the care and custody of carrier.
Plimsoll Mark
A series of
horizontal lines, corresponding to the seasons of the year and
fresh or saltwater, painted on the outside of a ship marking the
level which must remain above the surface of the water for the
vessel's stability.
- Port of Discharge.
- Port of Destination.
- Proof of Delivery. A document required from the carrier or driver
for proper payment.
Point of Origin
The place at
which a shipment is received by a carrier from the shipper.
- Port of Loading.
- Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants.
Pomerene Act, Also known as (U.S.) Federal Bill of
Lading Act of 1916.
U.S. federal
law enacting conditions by which a B/L may be issued. Penalties for
issuing B/L's containing false data include monetary fines and/or
- Harbor with
piers or docks.
- Left side of a ship when facing forward.
- Opening in a ship's side for handling freight.
Port of Call
Port where a
ship discharges or receives traffic.
Port of Entry
Port where
cargo is unloaded and enters a country.
Port of Exit
Place where
cargo is loaded and leaves a country.
Pratique Certificate
temporary quarantine of a vessel; granted pratique by Health
A process
employed in the shipment of citrus fruits and other perishable
commodities. The fruit is packed and placed in a cold room from
which the heat is gradually extracted. The boxes of fruit are
packed in containers that have been thoroughly cooled and
transported through to destination without opening the doors.
Prepaid (Ppd.)
charges paid by the consignor (shipper) prior to the release of the
bills of lading by the carrier.
Pro Forma
A Latin term
meaning "For the sake of form."
Pro Forma Invoice
An invoice
provided by a supplier prior to the shipment of merchandise,
informing the buyer of the kinds and quantities of goods to be
sent, their value, and specifications (weight, size, etc.).
Pro Rata
A Latin term
meaning "In proportion."
Project Rate
Single tariff
item, established to move multiple commodities needed for a
specified project, usually construction.
Public Service Commission
A name usually
given to a State body having control or regulation of public
Publishing Agent
authorized by transportation lines to publish tariffs or rates,
rules, and regulations for their account.
Pulp Temperature
where carrier tests the temperature of the internal flesh of
refrigerated commodities to assure that the temperature at time of
shipment conforms to prescribed temperature ranges.
A short
semi-trailer used jointly with a dolly and another semi-trailer to
create a twin trailer.