Abbreviation for "Independent Action." The
right of a conference member to publish a rate of tariff rule that
departs from the Agreement's common rate or rule.
Abbreviation for (1) "Interstate
Commerce Commission,"
(2) "International Chamber of Commerce."
Stands for "Immediate Exit." In the
U.S., Customs IE Form is used when goods are brought into the U.S.
and are to be immediately re-exported without being transported
within the U.S.
International Maritime Consultative
Organization. A forum in which most major maritime nations
participate and through which recommendations for the carriage of
dangerous goods, bulk commodities, and maritime regulations become
internationally acceptable.
I.M.D.G. Code
International Maritime Dangerous
Goods Code. The regulations published by the IMO for transporting
hazardous materials internationally.
Immediate Exportation
An entry that allows foreign
merchandise arriving at one port to be exported from the same port
without the payment of duty.
In-Transit Entry (I.T.)
Allows foreign merchandise arriving
at one port to be transported in bond to another port, where a
superseding entry is filed.
To receive goods from a foreign
Import License
A document required and issued by
some national governments authorizing the importation of goods.
In Bond
Cargo moving under Customs control
where duty has not yet been paid.
In Gate
The transaction or interchange that
occurs at the time a container is received by a rail terminal or
water port from another carrier.
In Transit
In transit, or in passage.
Incentive Rate
A lower-than-usual tariff rate
assessed because a shipper offers a greater volume than specified
in the tariff. The incentive rate is assessed for that portion
exceeding the normal volume.
The recognized abbreviation for the
International Chamber of Commerce Terms of Sale. These terms were
last amended, effective July 1, 1990.
Indemnity Bond
An agreement
to hold a carrier harmless with regard to a liability.
Independent Action
Setting rate
within a conference tariff that is different from the rate(s) for
the same items established by other conference members.
Independent Tariff
Any body of
rate tariffs that are not part of an agreement or conference
Placing a port
on a vessel's itinerary because the volume of cargo offered at that
port justifies the cost of routing the vessel.
Inherent Vice
An insurance
term referring to any defect or other characteristic of a product
that could result in damage to the product without external cause
(for example, instability in a chemical that could cause it to
explode spontaneously). Insurance policies may exclude inherent
vice losses.
Inland Carrier
transportation line that hauls export or import traffic between
ports and inland points.
Inspection Certificate
A certificate
issued by an independent agent or firm attesting to the quality
and/or quantity of the merchandise being shipped. Such a
certificate is usually required in a letter of credit for commodity
Installment Shipments
shipments are permitted under letters of credit. Usually they must
take place within a given period of time.
Insulated Container
A container
insulated on the walls, roof, floor, and doors, to reduce the
effect of external temperatures on the cargo.
Insulated Container Tank
The frame of a
container constructed to hold one or more thermally insulated tanks
for liquids.
Insurance with Average-clause
This type of
clause covers merchandise if the damage amounts to three percent or
more of the insured value of the package or cargo. If the vessel
burns, sinks, collides, or sinks, all losses are fully covered. In
marine insurance, the word average describes partial damage or
partial loss.
Insurance, All-risk
This type of
insurance offers the shipper the broadest coverage available,
covering against all losses that may occur in transit.
Insurance, General-Average
In water
transportation, the deliberate sacrifice of cargo to make the
vessel safe for the remaining cargo. Those sharing in the spared
cargo proportionately cover the loss.
Insurance, Particular Average
A Marine
insurance term to refer to partial loss on an individual shipment
from one of the perils insured against, regardless of the balance
of the cargo. Particularaverage insurance can usually be obtained,
but the loss must be in excess of a certain percentage of the
insured value of the shipment, usually three to five percent,
before a claim will be allowed by the company.
Interchange Point
A location
where one carrier delivers freight to another carrier.
Water service between two coasts; in
U.S., this usually refers to water service between
the Atlantic and Pacific or Gulf Coasts.
Interline Freight
Freight moving
from origin to destination over the Freight lines of two or more
transportation carriers.
Intermediate Point
A point
located en route between two other points.
Used to denote
movements of cargo containers interchangeably between transport
modes, i.e., motor, water, and air carriers, and where the
equipment is compatible within the multiple systems.
An itemized
list of goods shipped to a buyer, stating quantities, prices,
shipping charges, etc.
Inward Foreign Manifest (IFM)
A complete
listing of all cargo entering the country of discharge. Required at
all world ports and is the primary source of cargo control, against
which duty is assessed by the receiving country.
for "Inland Point Intermodal." Refers to inland points (non-ports)
that can be served by carriers on a through bill of lading.
Irrevocable Letter of Credit
Letter of
credit in which the specified payment is guaranteed by the bank if
all terms and conditions are met by the drawee and which cannot be
revoked without joint agreement of both the buyer and the seller.
Standards Organization which deals in standards of all sorts,
ranging from documentation to equipment packaging and labeling.
Issuing Bank
Bank that
opens a straight or negotiable letter of credit and assumes the
obligation to pay the bank or beneficiary if the documents
presented are in accordance with the terms of the letter of credit.
Issuing Carrier
The carrier
issuing transportation documents or publishing a tariff.
for "Immediate Transport." The document (prepared by the carrier)
allows shipment to proceed from the port of entry in the U.S. to
Customs clearing at the destination. The shipment clears Customs at
its final destination. Also called an "In-Transit" Entry.