Nautical Mile
Distance of
one minute of longitude at the equator, approximately 6,076.115.
The metric equivalent is 1852.
Committee on International Trade Documentation.
for "Not Elsewhere Classified."
Negotiable Instruments
A document of
title (such as a draft, promissory note, check, or bill of lading)
transferable from one person to another in good faith for a
consideration. Non-negotiable bills of lading are known as
"straight consignment." Negotiable bills are known as "order
for "Not Elsewhere Specified."
packed so that one rests partially or entirely within another,
thereby reducing the cubic-foot displacement.
Net Tare Weight
The weight of
an empty cargo-carrying piece of equipment plus any fixtures
permanently attached.
Net Tonnage (NT)
(0.2+0.02 log10(Vc))
Vc (4d/3D)2, for passenger ships the following formula
is added: 1.25 (GT+10000)/10000 (N1+(N2/10)), where Vc is the
volume of cargo holds, D is the distance between ship's bottom and
the uppermost deck, d is the draught N1 is the number of cabin
passengers, and N2 is the number of deck passengers.) "Ton" is
figured as an 100 cubic foot ton.
Net Weight
Weight of the
goods alone without any immediate wrappings, e.g., the weight of
the contents of a tin can without the weight of the can.
Neutral Body
organization established by the members of an ocean conference acts
as a self-policing force with broad authority to investigate tariff
violations, including authority to scrutinize all documents kept by
the carriers and their personnel. Violations are reported to the
membership and significant penalties are assessed.
National Motor
Freight Classification.
for "Not Otherwise Indexed."
for "Not Otherwise Indexed By Name."
Nomenclature of the Customs Cooperation Council
The Customs
tariff used by most countries worldwide. It was formerly known as
the Brussels Tariff Nomenclature and is the basis of the commodity
coding system known as the Harmonized System.
Non-Dumping Certificate
Required by
some countries for protection against the dumping of certain types
of merchandise or products.
Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier (NVOCC)
A cargo
consolidator in ocean trades who will buy space from a carrier and
subsell it to smaller shippers. The NVOCC issues bills of lading,
publishes tariffs and otherwise conducts itself as an ocean common
carrier, except that it will not provide the actual ocean or
intermodal service.
Notice of
Readiness. (When the ship is ready to load.)
for "Not Otherwise Specified."
Front of a
container or trailer - opposite the tail.
Cargo which has been booked but does not arrive in time to be
loaded before the vessel sails. See also "Windy Booking."
North Pacific
Coast Freight Bureau.