An electronic message storage place for data. A customer can retrieve
messages from his/her own mailbox, and can send messages to other
trading partners' mailboxes. See VAN.
A subdivision of the mailbox that allows for the separation of various
types of EDI data.
In EDI, it is the association of data field contents from an internal
computer system such as purchasing to the field contents in the EDI
standard being used. The same mapping takes place in reverse during
the receipt of an EDI document. In network operations, the logical
association of one set of values, such as addresses on one network,
with quantities or values of another set, such as devices on another
network (e.g.: name-address mapping, internetwork-route mapping,
protocol-to-protocol mapping).
An identified and structured set of data elements and segments
covering the requirements for a specific transaction. Also known as a
MIME ( ):
MNP (Microcom Networking Protocol):
Proprietary error-correcting protocol for modems operating at speeds
from 2.4 kbit/s to 9.6 kbit/s; operates only point-to-point and does
not have easy connections to X.25 and ISDN technology.
Modem (MOdulator-DEModulator):
Electronic device that converts signals from one form to a form
compatible with another kind of equipment, e.g. transmitting computer
data over telephone lines.
The continuous movement of goods by more than one means of transport.